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women's ministries
Worship Nights
Game Nights
Shopping Trips
Lunch Dates
Postponed until further notice
First Wednesday
Bible Study 6:30 PM
Christmas Event
The women at Faith do various activities throughout the year.
Game Nights, Lunch Out, Shopping Trips,Yearly Retreat, First Wednesday Bible Study, Worship/Encounter Nights, Christmas Party....and more!
Ways you can get involved
1. Attend Womens Events
2. Sound and Tech Teams
3. Coffee Bar Baristas
4: Usher and Greeter Teams
5. Celebrate Recovery
6. Attend Sunday AM Discipleship Classes
7. Volunteer at Kids Lab
(Background check mandatory)
8. Security Teams
9. Missions Trip and Giving
10. Building Maintenance
11. Landscape and Mowing
12. Volunteer to do our yearly outreaches
13. Attend prayer meetings
14. Set up for events
15. Faith Builders 55+ age group
16. Worship Team for needed positions
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